The House of Courtenay Colloidal Copper
The House of Courtenay Colloidal Copper
Containing superfine (99.95%) Copper particles, ranging between 0.001 - 0.005 microns, between 9 - 14 mg/L. Suspended in distilled mountain rainwater. Triple filtered through the Swiss "Grander Living Process" without the addition of an chemicals, stabilisers, dyes or carriers.
Suggested intake: 1ml directly under the tongue. Morning and Night.
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Copper is a common metal found throughout the world, it is believed the name is derived from the the Greek word kyprios, the Island Cyprus where the copper was initially found and mined in ancient times, the name copper also comes from the Latin word cuprum. (Allison Buttsed), Copper: The Science and Technology of the Metal, Its Alloy and Compounds (New York: Reinhold Publishing Corp. Published 1954). Pure copper is the colour of copper - red. In homoeopathy copper is used to treat cramps, convulsions, nervous disorders, sexual organ imbalances, and mental and physical exhaustion from over-exertion of the mind or from loss of sleep. In recent years, there have been several surveys of the clinical effecÂtiveness of wearing a copper bracelet. Preliminary results have suggested that wearing a copper bracelet does indeed ease arthritis and rheumatism and aids in copper assimilation into the body. (S. Beveridge, W. Walker, and M. Whitehouse), "Dermal Copper Drugs:
The Copper Bracelet and Cu (H) Salicylate Complexes," Agents and Actions, Vffl (Sup., 1981), pages; 359-367.
(D. Keats and W. Walker), "An Investigation of the Therapeutic Value of the Copper Bracelet-Dermal Assimilation of Copper in Arthritis/Rheumatoid Conditions," Agents and Actions, IV (July, 1976), pages: 454-459. An extensive survey was done in 1981 as to how orthodox medicine uses copper. (Jo Sorenson), "Development of Copper Complexes For Potential Therapeutic Use," Agents and Actions, Vffl (Sup. 1981), pages: 305-325. Copper goes in a slightly different direction within the body. We are now more than ever before (because of man made drugs) in the time of parasitic invasion by disease-carrying mosquitoes that is becoming epidemic.
Copper is known to be specifically appropriate for joint problems which are often caused by parasitic invasion, such as Malaria, Dengue and Ross River fever infections, to name just three, these are caused by blood-sucking insect carriers which introduce the parasites when they probe the skin, always leaving parasites if the host insect is infected. Colloidal Copper has also been used as a remedy for grey hair, burns, arthritis, parasites, and viral and bacterial infections. Research has shown that Colloidal Copper can kill over 600 microbes. It is has been used to treat a wide range of inflammatory disorders, including ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, erythema nodosum, osteoarthritis, rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, and Wilson's disease. Copper alleviates anaemia and molybdenum deficiency, and the copper intra-uterine device (lUD) is today commonly recommended and used for birth control.
Copper can be used to help stabilise and to balance the flow of blood within the body also helping to increase circulatory functions when necessary. It can be used to cleanse wounds and to fight bacterial infection. It has also been used in the treatment of arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and to stimulate the metabolic processes. In anthroposophical medicine, copper is used to harmonise and balance the action of the astral body with the physical body. An imbalance between these two bodies can result in a wide range of mental and physical disorders. Copper is called the metal of assimilation because it alleviates intestinal disorders and stimulates metabolism.
There may be under-nourishment with circulatory disturbances, especially with the vessels of the abdominal cavity and lower extremities. Copper is considered the remedy of choice in many renal and spasmodic or cramping disorders. Some specific diseases it is used for include dysentery, dysmenorrhea, epilepsy, liver conditions, nephritis, thyroid disorders, typhoid, ulcers, varices, varicose veins, and spastic and atonic constipation. Steiner also noted that copper increases self-acceptance, and the emotions are balanced. The person in need of copper may be restless, excitable, apathetic, neurotic, or exhibit the early stages of psychosis. (L.F.C. Mees, M.D)., ‘Living Metals’ (London: Regency Press, 1974), p.19-27. (Wilhelm Pelikan), ‘The Secrets of Metals’ (Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophical Press, 1984), pages: 04-118) The ancients used copper to treat cholera, dropsy, eczema, flu, gall bladder disorders, hernia, jaundice, neuralgia, heart palpitations, scarlet fever, schizophrenia, and to strengthen the sexual organs. Other problems for which it is used include chilliness, dizziness, nausea, night fever, and poor pulse. Glandular functions improve, and copper promotes capillary action and formation of the red corpuscles. It has also been used to alleviate throat problems including coughing, hoarseness, laryngeal catarrh, and difficulty in swallowing. Copper also eases a fear of death, poor memory, and an inability to retain thoughts.
In the Ebers papyrus from the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt, it is suggested that pulverised copper be used for granulomatous inflammations, especially in the eyes. Hippocrates used copper for empyema, haemoptysis, and pneumonia. Paracelsus used it for treating hysteria, syphilis, and pulmonary imbalances. In India, copper earings are worn to prevent sciatica.
Edgar Cayce said copper balances the emotions so that the spiritual nature and mental self are aligned. It is believed that Copper aids in the karmic background as one of the common elements in Lemuria for stabilising the general genetic patterns of the then developing physical body and the bone tissue of the early anatomical form. This was done so that there was not the overbearance of the gelatinous form, which was at times typical of the anatomy in those days, particularly in the early phases of childhood. (Max Heindel), ‘Occult Principles of Health and Healing’ (Oceanside, California, U.S.A. The Rosicrucian Fellowship, 1938), page. 15. (Max Heindel), ‘The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception’ (Oceanside, California. U.S.A. The Rosicrucian FelÂlowship, 1977), pages. 275,and 346. It is well documented that in many different languages that copper is used for healing and in spiritual growth. Copper can be used in a wide range of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, inflammations in the cerebral cortex, activities of the inner ear, and intestinal disorders.
Various dysfunctions associated with the diaphragm, such as poor breathing can be treated with copper because it strengthens the neurological functions. Greater flexibility within the bone tissue including the cartilages, ligaments, tendons, and sinus tissue result. Use copper in left-right brain disorders such as autism, dyslexia, epilepsy, neurological disÂcharge, physical co-ordination problems, and visual problems. And the pineal and pituitary glands are strengthened.
Copper also eases pernicious anaemia, the taking of colloidal copper helps antidote the affects of microwave radiation and increases copper assimilation. In the esoteric area of life this mineral is known to combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. It can stimulate initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence. It conveys the messages that there is no need to seek love or to constantly search for life, and that there definitely is a need to seek and release all of the restrictions which one has installed within the self. It emits a philosophic energy, free of orthodoxy and bias. It is excellent for use in policy-making and policing, providing insight into the avenues for right-attainment in all areas.
Copper activates and opens the base and sacral chakras, opens the heart, advancing and stabilising the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality, directing these energies toward the pursuit of one’s path of evolution. It allows one to recognise the barriers which are in the path of one’s development. This creates total awareness of the self and generates a capacity for tremendous psycho-spiritual self-confidence. Individuals gradually achieve balance within all levels of their form and all levels of their being. Copper is one of the baser metallic elements of high conductive properties; thus the body's electrical properties are activated, It can conduct electrical impulses and can magnify the energy transfer from the healer, or from minerals or crystals, to the subject of the healing. Used in conjunction with Silver, Gold or Platinum it can further balance the energies of the body and help maintain stability and wellness within the chemistry of the blood and cellular structures also all the subtle bodies are aligned. Copper has the peculiar property of increasing or decreasing astrological influences (The Astrological Signs of copper are Taurus & Sagittarius) by increasing the elecÂtro-magnetic capacities of the physical and subtle bodies. This makes copper an excellent elixir to treat cosmic radiation. Copper can also be used to achieve total amplification of thought. Copper can be also be applied externally, especially when there is need, despite the fact that the individual may have too much copper in the cellular level of the body. It is often better to apply copper at a low homeopathic potency, such as in the colloidal state. "Exposure to the sun amplifies copper, masculine properties are slightly accentuated, and it can be worn over the entire body. Copper placed over the third eye has been known to stimulate mild electromagnetic fields for a greater bond between the pineal and pituitary glands. The unified action of these glands helps create the activities of the third eye."
In the coming years, this elixir may achieve great importance because it can be used to treat cosmic and microwave radiation. Copper provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and aligns the subtle bodies. It has been used successfully to amplify and to transmit thought. It is said to be a "bestower of good", bringing benefit to the user.
This is compromised by exposure to many toxic elements of the 21st century, both material and emotional. Original Colloidal Copper is documented as one of the major rejuvenators of the life forcewithin us all, working deeply with the DNA of the cell to create an internal environment necessary for the body to help reverse degenerative conditions. It also helps to produce a specific harmonic frequency that optimises DNA function and helps the body correct degenerative states such as cancer, arthritis, and other auto-immune types of imbalance. It also helps to raise the overall resonant harmonic frequency of the cell. Also natural elements from the energised water contained in this formula are known for their role of energy production in the body it helps, hold and stabilise the electromagnetic frequencies and patterns specific to Colloidal Copper. ·
When the DNA of the cell is vibrating at it's optimal frequency, it is a dance no disease can dance toand the body remains in a state of balance and optimal health. Although I am not allowed to make any medical claims because I am not a medical doctor (other than my own vibrant health) for colloidals, I do pass on to you medical and clinical information regarding the therapeutic uses of these substances. Much more information can be gleaned from the Internet. It is up to you the reader to determine the veracity of this information. I can say, that in my own personal experience with colloidals, many positive results have been achieved by me, my family and friends and also reported from many other sources around the world. ·
Many people are gradually turning to the natural benefits of the healing properties found in copper. We provide a fine quality colloidal copper solution for those wishing to explore its healthy (without any side effects) possibilities. ·
Colloidal Copper is known to help in the formation of bone, haemoglobin, and red blood cells, and strongly believed to work in balance with zinc and vitamin C to form elastin. It is involved in the healing process, energy production, hair and skin colouring, and taste sensitivity. This mineral is also needed for healthy nerves. ·
One of the early signs of copper deficiency is osteoporosis. Copper is essential for the formation of collagen which makes up the connective tissue of the bone matrix. People are once again beginning to use Colloidal Copper to help in the prevention of greying hair, Strengthen blood vessels and arteries, kill parasites, prevent wrinkles. There is no adverse reaction with this copper in its micron form, remember in the earlier days some people used to wear copper on their wrist or ankle to absorb the copper into their body, Original Colloidal Copper is about 40 times stronger and about 400 times finer in micron size.
Original Colloidal Copper Formula: Original Colloidal Copper combines the natural beneficial qualities of the trace mineral Copper with the latest developments in colloidal technology to support the body's natural ability to achieve overall health and well being. The Original Colloidal Copper as designed to help nutritionally support your total health program of low-fat, high-fibre diet and daily exercise. Original Colloidal Copper can help you achieve your goal of perfect health in today's stressful world. Copper has been used over the centuries for its restorative properties and total well being. It has been known to improve many difficult conditions, Salt impurities and other contaminants are only created as a by-product of inferior manufacturing techniques that are found in the market. Today, improved research and production techniques guarantee our Original Colloidal Copper to be the purest, highest quality and the best monies worth available anywhere in the world. This is our guarantee.
Key Ingredients of Original Colloidal Copper. Distilled rainwater, triple filtered and re-energised with ‘Grander Living Water’ process, (99.95% pure high grade Copper) containing no salts, artificial ingredients, preservatives, colouring or additives.
Copper (Cu) 2.5 milligrams per litre. Ph. 7.2 Edward H. Ochsner, M.D., B.S., F.A.C.S., Consulting Surgeon of Augustana Hospital, U.S.A. Has suggested the following dosage: Adults: 1 mL Twice a day.Children: 1 mL once a day. For topical application, use fine mist spray several times per day to reduce pain and promote healing. Lastly, for those who are into Numerology and Astrology: Copper vibrates to the number 1. Astrological sign: of Taurus and Sagittarius