PC Laboratories 3 Step Fat Burner
PC Laboratories 3 Step Fat Burner
This 3 Step Fat Loss system by PC Laboratories is the first of its kind in the weight loss industry. The products included in the 3 Step Fat Burner Stack work together synergistically to: Release stubborn fat, also known as adipose tissue, from the stomach, hips and thighs (Step 3: ProCLA). Move this now free (released fat) into the mitochondria (engine room) of the cell (Step 2: ProALCAR+ Plus GBB) and finally to increase your metabolism and burn this body fat as fuel (ProBurn).
ProBurn Advance (caffeinated) or ProBurn Zero (non caffeinated) contains clinically dosed weight loss ingredients increase bodys’ metabolism through a process called thermogenesis (increase in body heat) which results in a higher calorie burn during exercise and daily activity.
Step 2: ProALCAR+ Plus GBB - Target Body Fat
When you are burning calories, your body can use muscle, fat or glycogen (food) stores as its fuel source. ProALCAR+ Plus GBB (Acetyl L-Carnitine+GBB) ensures that your calorie burn is being fuelled by body fat and not the muscle tissue or glycogen. ALCAR binds to previously stored fat molecules and transports them to the mitochondria our cells where they can be burnt as fuel! Gamma-Butyrobetaine (GBB) is a pre-cursor of Carnitine and has been clinically proven to increase the amount of Carnitine present in the blood stream, meaning you have more Carnitine available to bind to fat. GBB may also help to increase thermogenesis which is essential in the fat burning process
Step 3: ProCLA - Hit the Hard Areas
ProCLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is the next step in the process that will allow you to release the stubborn fat deposits on the midsection and thighs. CLA will activate the production of fat burning enzymes that are clinically shown to help release stubborn fat into the bloodstream to be better utilized as a viable source of fuel. CLA will also slow the process where glycogen in the blood stream is stored as fat on the body.
*Step 4: Water - Flush Toxins & Keep Burning
In addition to the use of the 3 Step Fat Burner Stack it is also recommended that you increase your daily water intake. Males should drink on average 3.7L per day and females 2.7L per day. Water helps the liver to function efficiently while it breaks down and burns fat. Burnt fat molecules turn into a waste product known as fatty ketones. Water then helps to detox and flush the ketones out of your body. If ketones are not removed efficiently they may accumulate and become toxic which may slow down the fat burning process.
The 3 Step Fat Burner Stack in Summary